Monday, February 03, 2014


Just because ...

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Puppets, Money, & Iran

Last December, in Puppets & Money I cited a Bloomberg report that said former Israeli central bankster Stanley Fischer (pictured at right) was the favorite to be Barack Obama's nominee for the No. 2 position in the US Federal Reserve System. And it came to pass that on January 10, 2014, Fischer was so nominated.

Also in December, Grant Smith published an exposé on Fischer identifying him as an ardent Israel-firster, the co-author, along with AIPAC, "of harmful U.S. economic policies on behalf of Israel". Below is an excerpt from Smith's "AIPAC's Fed Candidate Stanley Fischer on a Warpath Against Iran".
As Bank of Israel governor, Stanley Fischer played a central role in coordinating the implementation of AIPAC-generated sanctions against Iran – ostensibly over its nuclear program. Stuart Levey, the head of the U.S. Treasury Department's division for "Terrorism and Financial Intelligence," an office created after heavy AIPAC lobbying, met often with Fischer in Israel alongside the Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and chiefs of both the Mossad and Shin Bet to explore how to "supplement" UN sanctions and end-run Russian and Chinese opposition. The Levey-Fischer strategy was "to work outside the context of the Security Council to engage the private sector and let it know about the risks of doing business with Tehran" particularly against European banks that had only partially drawn back their business dealings with Iran. In 2010, Israel dispatched Fischer to meet with Chinese and Russian "counterparts" in order to financially isolate Iran.
See also: "Should dual citizen of US/Israel be vice chair of our Federal Reserve Bank?" on Mondoweiss

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