Saturday, August 12, 2006


Condi the Vampire

Here's a couple of excerpts and a photo from "Lebanon Gripped by Anti-American Sentiment" by Leila Fadel via

BEIRUT, Lebanon - In trendy central Beirut, a large banner (see photo right) looms over the now nearly empty streets of downtown: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stares intently, with piercing fangs and blood dripping from her lips.

"The massacre of children in Qana is a gift from Rice," the banner says. It's referring to a southern Lebanese town that's now synonymous with the word massacre after the deaths of at least 28 civilians, many children, in an Israeli airstrike on July 30, and another attack in 1996, when Israeli artillery killed more than 100 civilians.


Anti-American posters have become commonplace in tony shopping districts that only weeks ago were peopled with students from the American University of Beirut sipping lattes at the now-closed Starbucks.

The images are graphic: In one, a man lifts a dead child covered in dust with a blue pacifier hanging from his shirt, an image from the July 30 Qana bombing. The poster states: "March 21st Mother's Day, June 18th U.S. Father's Day, July 30th Bush's Children's Day."

In another, an American flag's red stripes bleed onto a dead Lebanese man and asks, "What's next?"

You can also see the photo at Yahoo! News Photo here.

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