Friday, October 26, 2007
Handala Banned Again

and you can buy these stamps ...

and you can buy this stamp portraying Maimonides, one of the leading founders of violent Judaic racism ...

and you can buy this stamp of "Jewish Refugees in Russia"...

and you can buy this stamp of a Jewish boy at the western wall of al-Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount ...

but you can't buy or even see this stamp of Handala, representing a Palestinian refugee boy ...

not anymore. Here's Zazzle's explanation:
The Handala stamp doesn't infringe on any "copyright, or other intellectual or proprietary right of a third party." Handala creator Naji al-Ali was assassinated in London more than 20 years ago and he created Handala and released it into the public domain to draw attention to the plight of Palestinian refugees and the crime of al-Nakba, he didn't create it to make money.The following Zazzle Custom Stamp could not be approved:
- Product Title: littleboy - Handala
- Product Type: Stamp
- Product ID: 172639119048327848
- Contributor: [redacted]
- Result: Not Approved
- Policy Violations:
- Incorporates material that is primarily partisan or political in nature.
- May infringe on or parody a trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other intellectual or proprietary right of a third party.
If you have any questions or concerns about the review of your Zazzle Custom Stamp product, please email
Thank you,
Content Management Team, Inc.
See also:
- "State Censorship: Handala & Hasbara"
- "Bay Area Artists Fight Over Framing of Mideast Conflict" in the Jewish Daily Forward
Labels: Handala, hasbara, thoughtcrime